photos all by hel looks

看看這些芬蘭人的穿著,你或許會覺得他們穿得很奇怪,或許會覺得很時尚,他們都是被芬蘭流行網站hel looks在街上隨機選上的fashion models,不論你喜不喜歡他們的穿著,他們都有一個共通點:新與舊的混搭,過往時日的二手商品在他們的巧思搭配下,獨樹一格







Check out these Finish people’s style, you will probably think their cloths are weird, or you will think they are pretty fashionable. Anyways, they were chosen randomly on street by a Finnish stylish website hel looks as fashion models. They all have one thing in common: The mixture of old and new, those old merchandises are their inspirations and stimulations of their dressing style.

It’s not easy for us to understand why people would like to buy second hand stuff. We may think it’s the normal way to dump those broken, old and obsolete things and get new ones. Yes, for me, for us, that is the most common way.

But in Finland, second hand stores are very popular, some of them are chain stores, and there are full of people all the time. I was wondering this kind of store would not be able to exist in Taiwan because of different consuming culture.

But my notion was twisted by visiting those second hand stores. They have abundant merchandises and people who stops there frequently can get really nice stuff with pretty low price, the only thing you may need is patience due to the sizes there are not completed. You may need to spend much time by picking out a suitable jeans out of tons of pairs.

Because of the high commodity price in Finland, selling and buying second hand stuff counts for good deal for Finns. Besides, most of Finns are willing to pay more for better quality, they don’t blindly follow “brands”, the only thing they concern about is practicability. So usually you can find both good quality and looking stuff in second hand stores.

And the other great thing is, many young people tend to dig old stuff from second hand stores, though they are ages ago but still being kept in good conditions and in some way, pretty fashionable. You can dig out leather jackets from 80s, Finish designed accessories from 70s and Finish made textiles from 60s. For young Finns, elastically collocate old and new fashion, mix them into a new style is really cool and stylish, which not only represent yourself but also combined with nostalgic atmosphere!

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